Vaadin speeds up prototyping and styling for Java applications

Vaadin, a provider of Java web application platforms, today announced the launch of two new low-code solutions for users of the Vaadin Flow framework: Visual View Builder and Visual Theme Editor. These low-code tools bridge the gap between application design and development by making it easy for developers and non-developers to visually prototype and style their applications while generating well-structured code as a basis for further development using the open-source Vaadin Flow...

As demand for enterprise apps booms, agility can be found in low-code solutions

For the modern business, the ability to adapt to rapidly shifting changes within your industry, supply chain and workforce is crucial to long-term success. How quickly a business can pivot to make the most of trends and adapt to changing circumstances is made easier by embracing digital transformation and seeking out tools to make your business more flexible and scalable and therefore more effective, sustainable and profitable. 

As Gartner predicts that low-code will account...