‘Ask Apple’ is an interactive Q&A series for developers

Apple is introducing an interactive Q&A series for developers that will provide opportunities to connect directly with the company’s experts.

‘Ask Apple’ is an extension to Cupertino’s existing ‘Tech Talks’ and ‘Meet with App Store Experts’ initiatives. Apple says the new series will “provide developers with even more opportunities to connect directly with Apple experts for insight, support, and feedback.”

“We’ve been listening to feedback...

Q&A: Nicolas Hourcard, QuestDB: The advantages of a time-series database

Developers need higher performance databases to unlock the full potential of exciting but ever more data-hungry applications.

IDC forecasts that the global datasphere will grow from 45 zettabytes in 2019 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. Furthermore, the analysts expect that around 30 percent of the world’s data will need real-time processing.

"Today, more than five billion consumers interact with data every day — by 2025, that number will be six billion, or 75 percent of...