Adopting VSM – The easy way

A book of maps.

The key to VSM is a handful of insightful metrics, explains David Hurwitz, VP ADM marketing at Micro Focus. 

Organisations have a lot to contend with these days. From rising inflation to terrible supply chain issues, businesses are under fire from all angles.

Considering this, IT teams must consistently deliver innovation, which is absolutely essential in our digital era. Further, as organisations become ever more technologically powered, it is also crucial for...

Meeting software delivery demands through value stream management

Organisations everywhere have faced countless challenges over the last two years. With the global health crisis forcing businesses to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives, the tech industry came under increasing pressure to keep up with demand. 

Today, as we emerge from the worst of the pandemic, companies face increasing social, political, and economic challenges. An innovation-only mindset is now the only viable option for many businesses’ survival and...