Mozilla and Google are developing non-WebKit iOS browsers

Apple is reportedly preparing to open the App Store to non-WebKit iOS browsers and Mozilla and Google are wasting no time in preparing their alternatives.

App Store rules currently forbid any third-party browser from using an engine other than Apple’s own WebKit. Regulators are gearing up to force Apple to change the rule because it’s seen as anti-competitive.

When they arrive later this year, iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 are expected to be small releases when it comes to...

OWA wants Apple to support alternative browser engines on iOS

A group of web developers calling itself Open Web Advocacy (OWA) aims to convince Apple to support alternative browser engines on iOS.

Apple currently only allows browsers on iOS to use its own WebKit engine. On macOS, the company is more lenient.

“[E]very browser on iOS, whether it be badged Chrome, Firefox, or Edge is actually just a branded skin of Safari, which lags behind [other browsers] because it has no competition on iOS,” said Stuart Langridge, one of...